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Reason Curriculum Development

12 Dec 20130 komentar

Reason Curriculum Development
Reason Curriculum Development-There are several weaknesses of the curriculum in 2006, so that the curriculum should be developed again in 2006. these flaws are as follows:
  1. Curriculum content is still too dense as indicated by the number of lesson material and a lot of the breadth and level of distress beyond the level of development of the child's age.
  2. competency-based curriculum is not fully in accordance with the demands of function and purpose of national education.
  3. Competencies not describe domains holistically attitudes, skills, and knowledge.
  4. Some of the competencies required in accordance with development needs (eg, character education, active learning methodology, the balance of soft skills and hard skills, entrepreneurship) have not been accommodated in the curriculum.
  5. The curriculum has not been sensitive and responsive to social change at local, national, and global levels.
  6. Standards describe the learning process has not been so detailed sequence of learning opportunities and a diverse interpretations lead to teacher-centered learning.
  7. Standard assessment has not led to the competency-based assessment (process and outcome) and not explicitly demanding remediation periodically.
  8.  The SBC requires a more detailed curriculum documents in order not to give rise to multiple interpretations.

Other reasons are
1.  Future Challenges
·         Globalization: The WTO, ASEAN Community, APEC, CAFTA
·         environmental problems
·         the advancement of information technology science and technology convergence
·         knowledge-based economy and the rise of the creative industries cultural shift in global economic power
·         teknosains pengaruhdan impact quality, investment and transformation of the education sector
·         The results of TIMSS and PISA
       2. Future Competency
·         Communication skills
·         Ability to think clearly and critically
·         Ability to consider the moral aspects of a problem
·         The ability to be an effective citizen
·         Ability to try to understand and tolerant of different views
·         Ability to live in a globalized society
·         Have a broad interest in the life
·         Have readiness
·         It has the intelligence to work according to their talents / interests
      3. Negative phenomena which arise
·         Students Fighting
·         Drugs
·         Corruption
·         Cheating in Exams
·         Plagiarism (cheating, Kerpek ..)
·         turbulence community (Social Unrest)
      4. Public Perception
·         Too focused on students
·         cognitive burden too heavy
·         Less-charged character

Those are some reasons for curriculum development 2006 to 2013 that the curriculum is being done at this time. Do not forget to read the article about the application Dapodik 2013.

Sumber : Tim Pengembang Kurikulum
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